Tyler Tate

White is a truthfulness, purity, clean, devotion, mild, and contemporary. White is the best color for a background color on the web.
Blackis a elegance, boldness, power, authority, seductive, evil and classic.
Red is a strength, sex, excitement, passion, speed, danger, aggressiveness, and demands attention. Red is the most emotionally intense color.
Blue is a security, trust, reliability, coolness, faithfulness, belonging, and dignity. Blue is the most popular color.
Green is a abundance, health, fertility, freedom, healing, nature, growth, jealously, and cool.
Brown is a effectiveness, politeness, richness, and helpfulness. Brown is the color of earth, and is abundant in nature.
Pink is a softness, sweet, femininity, well-being.
Purple is a dignity, spirituality, royal, luxury, wealth, authority.
Orange is a playfulness, pleasure, cool, cheer, vibrant, strength.
Yellow is a sunshine, warmth, cheer, happiness, cowardice, and jealousy.
Gold is a expensive
Beige is a soft neutral color that isn't quite white and has some of the earthiness of light browns. Beige represents quiet.



1 Why are red, yellow, and blue called primary colors?They are the only colors that don't need a combination of the other colors to make them.
2 What are the three secondary colors and what colors are combined to create each one?Green- yellow and blue Orange- red and yellow Purple- blue and red
3 Explain the six contrasts often used in combining color schemes on a web site.The 1st three contrasts are complimentary. That means the colors are opposite of each other. The 4th contrast is the warm-cold contrast.
4 How can you vary color through the use of gradients?You can vary color through the use of gradients by using white on a color or using black.
5 What is the difference between analogous color and complementary color?Analogous colors are next to each other on the color wheel. Complementary colors are across each other on the color wheel.
6 From the third and fourth websites, what are five important tips about using color on the web?Using less color is more. Complementary colors don't complement. Use contrasting colors. Monochromatic – is when you create an imaging using only tints and shades of one color. A simple color wheel is the most critical tool you can use in order to mix colors.